course of the year to find the real stories. tonight, those include the global water crisis, which is real. the rise of america s fastest growing professional sports league which you may not have heard of. and the vindication of prepping, people made fun of it, they don t anymore. and then the stunning suppression of civil liberties and human rights in the nation of canada. wholly ignored in this country. we begin tonight with a report on something that matters to everyone, the food that you eat. and that food may be changing. all of a sudden, the people in charge, politicians, billionaire, oligarchs, celebrities, are telling you you have to fight climate change by changing what you eat. much they may not want to change what you eat, no one ever voted on that. ha ha. but democracy doesn t matter when it comes to the food supply. here s a first look at the trailer for our season 3 premier of let them eat bugs. ladies and gentlemen, in the midst of the revolution which accele
so we send our team out over the course of the year to find the real stories. tonight, those include the global water crisis, which is real. the rise of america s fastest growing professional sports league which you may not have heard of. and the vindication of prepping, people made fun of it, they don t anymore. and then the stunning suppression of civil liberties and human rights in the nation of canada. wholly ignored in this country. we begin tonight with a report on something that matters to everyone, the food that you eat. and that food may be changing. all of a sudden, the people in charge, politicians, billionaire, oligarchs, celebrities, are telling you you have to fight climate change by changing what you eat. much they may not want to change what you eat, no one ever voted on that. ha ha. but democracy doesn t matter when it comes to the food supply. here s a first look at the trailer for our season 3 premier of let them eat bugs. ladies and gentlemen, in the mid
they control the people. tucker: i mean why not earthworms and rats as long as you re humiliating people on purpose by making them eat repulsive things. exactly i think that s the whole point. don t give them any ideas tucker, the rats and mice and all that next on the menu after the crickets they re trying to put in our food. tucker: so my last question is, what has the pushback been like, a country with a thousand year history of growing food has got to be resistant to this. have people made that clear, that resistance? yeah, absolutely. we ve had massive protests. so our farmer s protests you and i have been speaking about plenty of times and also have been featured in this documentary, they ve been very successful. so we actually had elections just now in the netherlands where a lot of people actually the largest party was the farmer s party. so the dutch people don t want to be eating insects. we understand that a traditional profession, such as farming that we have been g
growing population around the world? and it doesn t suggest that we want to get rid of anything. how do we add something to our diets and maybe look towards the past for solutions to the future. they re incredibly nutritious. they re sustainable. but, most importantly, they can be prepared absolutely deliciously. tucker: so as long as we re switching from rib eye to cicadas we might as well make it good. chef joseph is trying to do that. he s the executive director of brooklyn bugs, an organization that without any shame at all-pro moats bug food. he joins us on set now. chef thank you so much for coming on. thank you so much for having me. tucker: we re assuming leaving politics aside we re assuming for this segment this will be inevitable we re going to be eating bugs might as well make the best of it and you have done that. what kind of bugs do you cook. i cook with a lot of different insects and really
get. you should have multiple ways to start a fire never just one. keep stuff around, you can build a shelter. hammocks are usually what i use because i m old. this is an old people s show. water obviously. try to carry anywhere between i would say one or two of these. my advice to people who want to start preparing, write down a list of the things you need. it s going to keep you focused on what you need to get instead of doing what i did, haphazardly just buying [bleep] on line. tucker: jason charles joins us on set. jason thank you so much for coming here and for the part you played, the central part you played in this documentary. unlike a lot of preppers who live in rural arkansas, you live in new york. why is it important for someone who lives in a city, as most americans do, to prep? it s important to prep in a city like new york because, as we saw with hurricane irene and super storm sandy people went without food and water in some