MMTC share price: The stock dived 10 per cent to settle at a lower price band of Rs 70.55 over its previous close of Rs 78.38. It has tanked 18.98 in just two sessions. Despite the said fall, the counter has given multibagger returns in the last six months and rallied 141.94 per cent.
Despite a lackluster trade, most mining stocks were trading in the green. Nifty constituent Coal India was up 1.36%, while The Orissa Minerals Development Company, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC), NMDC, Hindustan Zinc, Vedanta and MOIL gained between 4.50% and 0.22%.
Sectorally, buying was seen in metal, consumer durable, public sector and industrial stocks while telecom, healthcare and realty stocks saw some selling pressure
Hot stocks today: Indian equity benchmarks were trading lower today. The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 413 points to 65,994 and Nifty lost 117 pts to 19,676. Here s a look at stocks buzzing in action today.
MMTC share price: The stock soared 13.11 per cent to hit a 52-week high of Rs 79.90. At this price, the counter has rallied 42.70 per cent in just four days. On BSE, around 92.79 lakh shares changed hands today. The figure was more than five times higher than the two-week average volume of 18.46 lakh shares.