Newsroom invasions and confiscation of equipment such as cameras, mobile phones, computers and others have seemingly been normalised by the notorious Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS). Mmegi Staffer RYDER GABATHUSE relives the raid of Mmegi office and his arrest on July 20, 2023
When informed that Mmegi as a media house has protocols around entry and that they could not enter without a warrant, one officer said: “I am a warrant myself”. The agents were clear that they are a law unto themselves and operate above the basic tenets of the law such as the production of a warrant to gain entry and another warrant to detain anyone for questioning.
MISA Botswana wishes to alert the nation on the detention of Mmegi newspaper Editor Ryder Gabathuse and senior reporter Innocent Selatlhwa by the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services (DISS).