san francisco, silicon valley. ian cannot meet instagram s bosses because of legal issues around molly s inquest, so we speak to them on his behalf. molly s death and, more specifically, the work that her parents have done in the wake of that tragedy which i honestly can t begin to imagine what they have gone through i have children of my own but the work they have done has raised an immense amount of awareness and an important issue for me personally, for me instagram more broadly, but also for the industry. and it has translated into a lot of concrete changes, changes in policies, changes to what shows up where on instagram, more investment in finding people who might be at risk, and those effects are real and they re important. so, her legacy may be to make social
up the next morning, she was dead. since her death, we have been able to look back and just scratch the surface at some of the social media accounts that she had been following. i remember this one, that picture. this world is so cruel, i don t want to see it any more. there were accounts from people who were depressed or self harming. some of that content seemed to be quite positive. perhaps groups of people who were trying to help each other out, but some of that content is a shocking in that it encourages self harm. it links self harm to suicide, and i have no doubt that instagram helped kill my daughter.
destined to do good. but i think and i hope that we will learn lessons and that it will help produce the change that s needed to keep people safe, to keep people alive. an executive from pinterest admitted to the court that he wouldn t want his own children to see the kind of content molly had viewed. and the head of health and well being for meta said she was sorry that molly had seen content that violated instagram s policies. and then, after two weeks, the coroner concluded. ..the algorithms used by social media companies. ..girls like molly who said are in the eye of the storm. she become overwhelmed by the kind of material that she was seeing and ended up by taking her own life and in this historic decision today,
it s more than three years since we did that first interview with ian russell here in west london, but it still has real impact today. that phrase, instagram helped kill my daughter, touched a nerve for charities, politicians and, of course, parents. these are companies that count their profits in the billions, and they turn around and say to us that they can t protect our children. the headlines kept coming, and molly s death brought change. within days, there were questions being asked in parliament, and bosses from facebook and instagram were summoned to talk to government ministers and be grilled by the media. there is a picture of some slit wrists that s from instagram. there is a picture full of blood that s from instagram. those are all against your policies but they are all available