The Haryana government on Friday presented a Rs 1.55-trn Budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year, with health, agriculture, and infrastructure identified as key priority areas. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar (pictured), who also holds the finance department portfolio, presented his second Budget in the State Assembly.
. Presenting the paperless Budget, Khattar proposed no fresh tax. He proposed a budget of Rs 1.55 trillion for FY22, an increase of 13 per cent over FY21 of Rs 1.38 trillion. The Budget outlay comprises 25 per cent as capital expenditure of Rs 38,718 crore and 75 per cent as revenue expenditure of Rs 1.17 crore. Khattar proposed to raise the Old Age pension to Rs 2,500 per month from April 1 of this year from present Rs 2,250.PTI
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. File photo.
NEW DELHI: The BJP-led NDA government at the Centre is battling crises on several fronts because of the farmers’ protest against the three central farm laws. Though the ML Khattar government in Haryana on Wednesday defeated the no-confidence motion moved by the Congress, the BJP and the Modi government both are beset with problems triggered by the agri-marketing laws not just on the domestic front but also on international level.
Thousands of farmers - mainly from Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh - have been protesting since November last week on three points at the Delhi borders demanding scrapping of the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020; and Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 which were passed by Parliament in September last year.
No-confidence motion in Haryana assembly today; BJP, JJP, Congress issue whip to MLAs
Chief Minister ML Khattar faces no-confidence motion in Haryana assembly today
Chandigarh: The Congress no-confidence motion against the BJP-JJP government is set to be taken up in the Haryana Assembly on Wednesday. The opposition Congress has said that it will reveal the truth about who is for and against farmers in the state who are protesting against the Centre s three farm laws for over 100 days now.
In a tweet on Tuesday, Congress Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Singh Hooda urged Independent and JJP MLAs to consider the sacrifice of 300 farmers who have lost their lives during the protests.
No-confidence motion in Haryana assembly today - Here s how the numbers stand
Former CM Bhupinder Hooda said the no-confidence motion would help clearing the picture who are supporting the cause of farmers and who are not .
Updated: Mar 10, 2021, 06:13 AM IST
With the Congress no-confidence motion against the BJP-JJP government set to be taken up in the Haryana Assembly on Wednesday, the ruling BJP-JJP as well as main the opposition party have issued whips to their respective members for their compulsory presence in the House.
Haryana minister and BJP s chief whip Kanwar Pal said, All the members of the Bharatiya Janata Legislature Party are requested to remain present in the House throughout the 10th day of March during the current budget session of Haryana Vidhan Sabha. They should not leave the chamber without prior permission of the leader. The members are requested to be present at the time of division/voting .
BJP-JJP govt defeats Congress no-confidence motion in Haryana assembly ANI | Updated: Mar 10, 2021 17:55 IST
Chandigarh [India], March 10 (ANI): The no-confidence motion moved by Congress against the BJP-JJP government in Haryana was defeated in the state assembly on Wednesday. A total of 55 MLAs supported the government while 32 voted against the ruling dispensation in the state. We know that we will not win the confidence of the Opposition but we will take this opportunity to win the confidence of the masses , said Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar had in the assembly earlier while replying to the no-confidence motion.
Reciting a couplet by poet Bashir Badr, Khattar had said, Mukhalfat se meri shaksiyat sawarti hai, main dusmano ka bada aitram karta hun (Criticism makes my personality shine, I respect my enemies a lot).