January 25, 2021 Brian Wasili- Mana 1 Comment
Mwanza district commissioner (DC) Michael Chimbalanga died on Saturday night at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital’s Covid-19 isolation centre.
Michael Chimbalanga: No more
In an interview on Sunday, Ministry of local Government spokesperson Anjoya Mwanza said the late Chimbalanga, who had served Mwanza for less than a year was a hard working civil servant.
“He also contributed a lot to the development of the councils in the country,” she said.
In a separate interview, Senior Chief Gomani of Mwanza said Chimbalanga was calm, hard-working and visionary.
“for the short period he was at the council, he wanted all projects that stalled in the district to be completed,” he said.
The Ministry of Local Government regrets to inform the public of the demise of Michael Chimbalanga who until his death was District Commissioner (DC) for Mwanza District Council.
Chimbalanga, who was born on 29th June 1964 died during the night of Saturday 23rd January, 2021 at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital COVID-19 Isolation Centre in Blantyre.
He joined the Ministry of Local Government in 2002 as Director of Planning and Development.
Chimbalanga has served as DC in Chitipa, Nsanje, Mulanje and Mwanza Districts.
The remains of the departed DC will be laid to rest on Sunday 24th January 2021 at Mkaweya Village, Traditional Authority Kadewere in Chiradzulu District.