get from what you said? it s s interesting, in that room it was pretty well split. the pro maskers, they were scowling at me. good thing they were wearing masks so i couldn t see it. there is something to it. it turns you into this faceless expressionless set of floating eyes just sitting there which is what the government wants us all to be. but iwa think when i m in the rm there, it was pretty illuminating and i m glad i went not just to speak but to see this in experience it. what i saw and felt was so much fear there is a totally justified fear of the anti-maskers who are pro-freedom, profanity, i think. but on the other side of it you got these parents who really believed, they really believe that if another child breathes hinear their kid, their kid is going to die. a child with his nose and mouth showing is a threat to murdern. their children, it s what they believe because it s what they have been told.
Tempo di lettura: 2 minutiBenevento – Quando sembrava ormai chiuso, il mercato della Miwa Energia regala l’ultima perla ai tifosi e agli appassionati della .
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minutoBenevento – Va completandosi il roster della Miwa Energia Cestistica Benevento per la stagione 2021/2022. preso, infatti, .