and with me now is new york times reporter nick kamusori. and neara tan deny, former policy director for mill re clinton. let me go to nicholas. you re new to the show. tell us why mitt romney who i always identified as having unlimited lds money, unlimited equity money, friends over the business community, wealthy people across the country, why he is having cash problems and had to borrow the money, $20 million? because even the richest guy in america can only give $2,500 per election to a candidate. now mitt romney has many, many of those people. lots of rich supporters, people who can max that amount. and he got most at the primary and spent a lot to win the primary. and once that was done, he had the last up until september after his convention to tap into the general election money he had raised on top of those checks. so really, he was sort of cash-rich but cash-flow poor for a lot of august. and that helps explain why there were so few romney ads on the
come out now, these are great states. last night three new polls from fox news reiterated the romney deficits in florida. romney is down 5 points, that s a key state for him. ohio obama has a seven-point advantage. in virginia obama also has a seven-point advantage. alex, i don t think these will hold. i think this election will wobble between now and november. but you got to wonder what romney is thinking. there s a lot of pressure from the right on him to fire stu stevens. i read in the wall street journal today, the question is will he buckle and basically eat it? fire his best guy under the pressure from the right? will he do something like that? well, anecdotally we know mitt is a sticker according to politico. he stays with them. i don t know that you will see stu stev out before november. it s like an iceberg melting.
talked about what the president was stuck with back in 09. what he s been trying to do, and how it s working, if slowly, how it s working. he was the first one i thought to give people reason for even he be ewe lens. people have been very happy i m around ever since they heard bill clinton talk. i m hesitant to use the great man theory in politics. bill clinton more than any other democrat actually laid a succinct understandable argument for why the stimulus was a success. you have seen it sort of after the convention in the ads obama has run. mitt romney keeps talking down the economy. let s look at the statistics about where we were four years ago and compared to where we are now. and they ve laid a cohesive argument that the country is moving generally in the right direction, not fast enough, not there yet, but they ve made concrete steps to move it in that direction. i think the country by and large is starting to buy it. let s take a look at the states that have become contes
talking a lot more about how his ideas will help regular americans who remain deeply suspicious of him. that s a quote. there it is. more mitt. we ll be right back. in america today we re running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that s why at devry university, we re teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone s ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america s ready. make sure you re ready. at [ male announcer ] introducing a stunning work of technology. introducing the entirely new lexus es.
romney supporter and has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to republican candidates. next, documentary filmmaker ken burns takes on teddy roosevelt kind of. you may have heard of the presidential race that takes place at the home baseball games. all from mt. rushmore hold a race during every game. the hero of san juan hill, the winner of the nobel peace price teddy roosevelt has yet to finish first in any of the races. well, here is ken burns and teddy s high profile supporter in the senate. appropriately george washington won the first presidents race on july 21st, 2006. by the end of that series, tom and abe had also tasted victory. teddy, meanwhile, had already suffered a pulled hamstring and been disqualified for illegal use of a golf cart. there were hopes the streak might die on teddy roosevelt bobble head night.