that s his claim. the plan that he put forward with gm was not all that different from what mitt romney wanted to do. to some extent, yes. president obama is getting some credit in very population dense parts of northern ohio where the auto industry is heaviest. so he is getting some credit for that. jon: all right. erin mcpike, from real clear politics . got a lot of work to do. it will be interesting what six weeks to go until the election? sure is. this week will be interesting on its own. jon: thank you. patti ann. patti ann: jon, libya s government is issuing a command saying come under the government groups or disband band. this as we get word from libya s ambassador just a short time ago that ambassador stevens died at a libyan hospital. greg palkot is streaming live from tripoli. hi, greg. reporter: hey, patti ann. we re less than a day away regarding that deadline by the libyan government for those rogue militias to disperse and disband.
and had a support vehicle right behind them and, you know, a lot went through my mind thinking about my buddies and their families. like ray mendoza, matt lynch, travis manyon. it is certainly an emotional ride. we just had the web sites up on the screen. i know you re hoping to raise a million bucks for the families left behind by fallen marines and servicemembers. travis man, amounted mcle fdot original. we ll follow your progress through the week. thank you, jon. patti ann: with early voting already underway in several key states, governor mitt romney and his running mate are fanning out to win over the all-important down the decided voters. he talked about his campaign on 60 minutes. bret baier has a closer look what the governor has to say. that is at the top of the
so far they have the firefighters that is have steered these flames away from communities while they wait for rain or snow, none of that in sight. patti ann, down here in southern california we are in the middle of wildfire season, the brush is very dry. the winds can kick up at any time. firefighters treat any fire no matter how small with urgency, back to you. patti ann: william la jeunesse live in los angeles thank you. jon: the candidates are in wisconsin looking for votes they are not actually there at the moment but in a heated battle for the key swing state, president obama pulling ahead in the polls. one of governor romney s biggest supporters is sounding pretty optimistic on the campaign trail. do you know what i think? i think we can carry wisconsin. [cheers and applause] of hardest-working, smoothest-riding.lass it s got the most torque,
the bigger picture, which is which candidate is better at stand up for the middle class all of a sudden president obama comes in at 57% more than almost 20 points ahead of governor romney. there seems to be some kind of disconnect there. or there has been a really good job by the democrats and president obama s campaign at painting governor romney a certain way, and the candidate and his campaign have not fought back against that effectively as of yet. i know, we re coming up on this debate in denver, it s the first realtime, head-to-head that the two candidates will fight over domestic policy and the economy, and i think it s a big moment. we have a lot of time to go, it s important to note. its also important to note in history, you know, campaigns have turned things around with deficits greater than this. there are republicans who are
kirsten is going to, if she is going to assign responsibility for super pac ad to president obama, then she has got to be willing to do the same for all of the republican-led super pacs that have run despicable ads that are not based in fact and not based in truth. everyone agrees that the president does not, everyone knows the president does not control, nor does he approve super pac ads run for democratic purposes. jon: the president was also given the opportunity to, opportunity to disavow we re going to have a sharp debate in this election. we re going to show those contrasts. we re going to contrast between mitt romney, who is written off 47% of americans as victims and said that they want to be dependent on government. people like seniors, who have worked their entire life and paid into medicare and social security. students, veterans, he is written off half of america.