eric: mitt romney facing one of the biggest tests yet on tuesday. can he take his home state of michigan? with the vote 48 hours away, he sat down with an exclusive one-on-one, with fox news sunday anchor chris wallace to lay out his plans for victory. i think i can show that i can fight hard and come from behind and the people, as they focus on my campaign and candidacy and my plan to get america working again, a plan that calls for dramatic changes in the way washington is structured, those are things people are warming to and i m making progress. eric: joining is now is the anchor of fox news sunday, chris wallace. good morning, he better make progress, the primary in innish is two days away. yes. eric: michigan is on the line. what will it mean, chris if he actually loses? it would be devastating. i must tell you from the interview and i commend it to people, it is very interesting,
not coming back. reporter: president obama has issued an apology for the qur an burnings. this latest turmoil could make it harder to follow through with winding down the combat mission as early as next year. this is one to watch. thank you steve. america s election headquarters counting down to the next crucial test in the gop fight. mitt romney making a final push in arizona in a state where he was in michigan, 48 hours from now. his challengers are putting up serious resistance. steve brown is live in michigan with one of the most important tests for the campaign in that stay reporter: good morning. yes, there is news it involves the other primary contest tuesday, arizona. arizona governor brewer announced she will be backing
to drop out. there s lots of primaries, look at how many surprises we have had in the race and people winning primaries with little money or effort and i think we ll see it going to may and june, and, we re not going to get a nominee with a majority of delegates, until at least may. jamie: john fund, great to see you from the american spectator. and of course fox news is your number one source for election news here on fox news channel and at, you want to definitely tune in tuesday, all-day coverage of the arizona and michigan primaries and special primetime coverage with bret baier and megyn kelly and check out, our own rick folbaum and jenna lee will have full coverage for the web site, 8:00 p.m. eastern, tuesday, eric: and mitt romney facing a crucial hurdle in the quest for the nomination. now, he s in the tight race, in the state where he was born but up next. fox news host, the anchor of chris wallace, with an exclusive sit-down with mitt
i think you see a side of mitt romney you have not seen before. but if he were to lose, i think he s increasingly confident he ll win and if he lost it would be devastating. his home state, the state he grew up in, the state that his father was the governor of, for three terms, and, look, one of the big arguments has been electability. if he can t beat rick santorum in a republican primary in his home state how would he ever beat barack obama in a general election in the key swing state of michigan in november. so it is very important, and i don t mean he drops out of the race if he loses but it would explode one of his central argument and would ensure the election goes into may or even june. eric: what does it mean if he wins and does pull it out against santorum? i don t think it ends it but, it is sure a lot better. there are a lot of those
events where mr. romney will be campaigning. welcome. thanks eric. what do you predict will happen tuesday? i predict voters will render their decision and you will know who has won and you will talk we it. do you think that will be mitt romney for whom they will render their decision? it a any type of contest all the candidates are going to work hard taking no vote for granted and not spending time projecting what may happen they are tying to make sure they win the nomination. you seem to be hedging a bit predicting that mitt romney can win. i don t predict the future i would rather to try to shape it. at the end of the day less time spent on speculation and more time working on articulation of the issues like the economy, so important, is going to win the nomination. in 2008, let s look at board he got 38.9% of the vote