foreign policy. an in the wall street journal he said about president obama, by failing to maintain the elements of our influence and by stepping away from aur allies press has heightened the prospect of conflict and instability. he does not understand that an american policy that lacks resolve can provoke aggression and encourage disorder. governor romney will be talking a lot more about this next week. he s planning a big foreign policy speech. while this week s debate is all about domestic policy, the vice aldebate and the following two presidential debates will also include foreign policy. gregg: good stuff. john roberts live in denver. thanks very much. jenna: as john was mentioning foreign policy might not play a big role in the debates but events in libya, syria, iran and afghanistan certainly are all in the headlines right now. john roberts showed us a little bit about governor romney s op-ed that was published in the wall street journal. he says, amid this upheaval
leads president obama among likely independent voters by a substantial 14 points. 54%, look at this, to 40%. he also leads among independents in critical swing states like ohio and florida, and yet, u.s. news & world report points out there has been almost no mention of it in the media. i wonder why? well, i think what you are starting to see is that independents are largely part of the 60% of americans that think this country is off on the wrong track and right now that they are giving a stark contrast to what this election presents in terms of more government centered country or a free enterprise system that governor romney offers, one that rewards innovation and entrepreneurship. but the bigger thing that you also see in the numbers is, in eight of 12 battleground states the democrats really lost a lot of voter registration. when you look at battle ground states, in 2008, president obama won state like wisconsin by 14 points,
the last question. 50% plus one . gregg: veteran pollster, said undecided voters historically choose the challenger on election day. i will quote him from the wall street journal. you would expect the remaining undecided voters to break not exclusively but disproportionately for romney rather than obama. does that make the wednesday debate and those thereafter more relevant, more vital for americans? i think a lot of people will be tuning in to kind of hear this contrast that exists. i think key word after four years, if you re happy with the economy where it is, where the debt where it is and as you point out the word is persuadable. i think we were persuaded in 2008 but now time for results and people aren t seeing them. so i think at this point what they want to do is continue from mitt romney and paul ryan to move america forward. that would be good if we could hear a plan. that didn t work out. that didn t work out. they want to learn more
tragedy in and of itself. the problem it is part of a bigger picture the fact that the obama foreign policy is unraveling literally before our eyes and on our tv screens. gregg: i suspect that is point you would share? the media and new york times owes mitt romney a apology. he was right. waited 15 hours, the concerns that silence and weak statement out of cairo was inappropriate response. he was right. the obama administration waited 15 hours as the administration developed. their first reaction was to go after mitt romney. the mead yu followed that and we re finding mitt romney was right. this administration had a very weak reaction to a growing threat and people need to wonder what would have happened if the president came out an condemned this hours as it was happening before the ambassador was killed. gregg: rick, thank you very much. appreciate it. jenna: more on that story throughout the day for sure. meantime a powerful typhoon
mostly backward looking. reporter: that s right. jenna: liz, thank you. reporter: sure, delighted. gregg: president obama and democrats continue to criticize governor mitt romney s statement that the country is becoming a entitlement society and yet, take a look at this. a fox news poll finds that 63% of likely voters think he is right. many americans are too dependent on government. and a similar gallup poll right after the democratic convention found nearly 2/3 of independents think government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. is there a disconnect between the president and independent voters? joining us now to talk about it, brad woodhouse. he is the communications director for the democratic national committee. sean spicer, the communications director for the republican national committee. good to see you both. brad, let me start with you. when democrats were polled on this, 64%, we ll put it on the screen, 64% said the