extinction of humans. many top experts have signed a statement warning of the risks of artificial intelligence, and this is what that wording says. the g7 groups, eu, us can have all been holding meetings trying to work out how to tackle the challenges. i had been speaking to stephanie, a technology ethics researcher about the current risks posed by ai. we are the current risks posed by ai. , are talking but what they re doing to stop these risks from manifesting. so they are still building this technology. they are not saying they are going to stop building it, they are building it. they are still seeking investment, and this investment is in the tune of multiple billions of dollars. so that s not really a mitigation strategy, is at? without wishing to disrespect people on the list who are serious people and i ve listened to, there are a lot of people who are not on that list were also very serious thinkers into our warning a very different risks, not the sort of science fic
here in the uk, specifically either a member of the armed forces or a police officer. in the written base of plea it said you had only carried out a terrorist activity here if your plans to go to syria to join isis were frustrated. the prosecution does not accept that part of the base of plea. both the prosecution and defence agreed that this aspect of the base of plea does not make any difference to sentencing in this case, as on any view you accept you had an intention to commit both terrorist acts and that you made preparations towards the commission of both types of terrorist act. from what has emerged from the police investigation it is clear that you are someone who developed and entrenched islamist extremist mindset, extreme anti western views and you intended to commit terrorist acts both in the uk and overseas. secondary school you are someone who dabbled in drugs and where your behaviour became more aggressive you were expelled from school and attended an education
fourth, the monster was committed by the two of you acting together the two of you acting together the murder was committed. studio: we havejust lost our coverage from derby crown court, mrs justice tipples in her sentencing remarks. we heard more there are about finley boden s parents. the judge saying that stephen boden had prior convictions and that shannon marsden was 20 at the time and no prior convictions. let s hear more. in mitigation, it said that neither of you had no intention to kill finley. i cannot be sure that the brutal assaults on finley were premeditated, or that when they happen there was an intention to kill. however in the present context i do not regard this point as providing any mitigation. this is because it is repeatedly undermined by your abuse of finley and the dreadful cruelty and suffering you deliberately subjected him to over an extensive period of 13 days and which culminated in his death. you are, shannon marsden, also refer to your age
further aggravating factor is your use of two weapons, a brick and a knife, which you took to the scene. in addressing the on the application of schedule 21 i m urged to find that not only is paragraph three not engage but neither is paragraph four and he argues that the knife that you carried was not one which was taken to the scene in the technical sense intended to be conveyed by paragraph four but i reject the submission and i am sure that you took a knife with you to the building and that you intended when you were there to commit an offence of sexual assault and or have the knife available as a weapon, it is not disputed that you used the weapon in committing the murder of nikki allan. paragraph counter is therefore engaged and this finding is overtaken by my earlier conclusion that this is a murder of particular seriousness but the fact that a knife was taken, even a penknife, and it was used, represents a significant aggravating factor which i must take into account.
if you looked out the right side of the plane, you would look over the potomac live, you saw a lot of small, nondescript monuments arranged neatly over rolling hills in a place called arlington national cemetery. if you don t have people that are willing throughout our history to stand up, i put on that uniform, risk their lives and in many instances give that last full measure of devotion, then it isn t going to amount to very much. we must fight the good fight, we must finish the race also supposed to be in iowa today for if a massive rally postponed it about an hour ago. he s still posting his campaign message on truth we ve got to make sure we have a great election. we ve got to win big, and we re leading crooked joe biden by a lot, a lot. the polls are showing we re 7 points up, 8 points, 9 points and even 11 points in one instance. let s keep it that way. our very own alexis mcadams is live in hinton, iowa. what have you got for us? reporter: we were expecting to