bruising, bleeding or paleness. appearance of the subpoena of where people are able to spread cqulew3 vianey, of bolton, pomp don t start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. crazy conspiracy theories and we ve got to get these folks visit right, under oath, talking about scl to see how your joint damage could progress. that meeting. absolute falsehoods and livthat even more justification, it enbrel fda approved for over 20 years. made possible by the internet. provides for justificationñi fo nancy pelosi to not sent and people are drawn to social articles over to the senateçó 4 information that supports their points of view. oath and testify. that s what s contributing to right. ite1 comes as the contours of this environment we have today. we still have the poblts these trial are being worked out and senator schumer and mcconnell have yet toe come con responsibili response forpeople determini de the good news? our comfort lasts all day. the bad news? so does h
sex scandals. an amazing it s going to be a pretty wild month, and then the dynamic of chuck and nancy. right. forgot about that everyone s favorite democratic duo when they go to the white house and in the past so far each time the president has sort of been impressed with, among other things, sort of their vigor and stamina and the way they present are you saying paul ryan and mitch mcconne mitch mcconnell don t have bigger stamina? i think the president is saying that. and so far walked out with what they want. that said, just because you reach a doeal in the presume wih the president is what nancy and chuck experienced earlier in the year. the president likes deals. chuck schumer likes deals. there may be maneuvering room there not making republicans happy. and trying to jump in there? i mean, i agree with bill
as i expected, he denied russia was doing anything to influence our election claim moscow is a traditional target of blame for such activities. he said moscow is prepared to work with whatever candidate wins the election. when i repeated my warning he said he would inform president putin of my charge. i believe i was the first american to brace the russians on this matter. in the gang of 8 process we kept congress apprised of these issues. again in consultation with the white house, i personally briefed the full details of our understanding of russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership, specifically senators harry reid, mitch mcconne, dianne feinstein and richard rr,nd to representatives paul ryan, nancy pelosi, devin nunes and adam schiff between 11 august and 6 september. i provided the same briefing to each of the gang of eight members. given the highly sensitive nature of what was an active counterintelligence case involving an ongoing russian effort
good on our campaign promises and to fix these problems, to repeal and replace and repair our broken health care system, to reform our tax code, to clear out the regulatory underbrush so we can get reform going. we are on the same page as the administration. reporter: the problem is members of congress are not getting a heads up on the contents of these executive orders. the agenda of any given day is sometimes a surprise to them and they only learn about it the night before. the reality is there are some very real differences between where this conference stands, has been and where the president is now. there s a number of issues, the border wall, for example, they say they re going to pay for the border wall in a funding bill that will cost $12 to $15 billion and they won t say whether that will add to the deficit. that has been a real priority for house speaker ryan and majority leader mitch mcconne