karine: good afternoon, everybody. hello. i apologize. ok. let s get started. so before we start the briefing, i want to take a moment to recognize the lives lost and forever changed in buffalo. former buffalo police lieutenant aaron salter, 55, is a hero. a security guard who engaged the suspect to save lives and was killed in the process. ruth whitfield, 86, was a mother of a retired firefighter. ruth was the rock of the family, devoted to taking care of her four children and husband. ruth was visiting the former commissioner s father in a nursing home as she did each day and she stopped at the supermarket to buy some groceries. katherine massey, 72, was a well-known community figure who wrote for her local newspapers, assisted in elections, and dressed up in costume as mr. broccoli. to teach local schoolchildren to eat right. pearl young, 77, was a substitute teacher and a true pillar in the community who volunteered at a church, food pantry every saturday. heyward patters
also the free c-span now app. the u.s. senate galley and, although is expected whether to advance the 40 billion has approved ukraine aid bill. live coverage of the senate here on c-span2. . as hate crimes rise nationwide, deliver us from permitting evil to triumph because we do nothing. lord, make us a people who refuse to remain idle during a crisis. inspire us to avoid the paralysis of analysis. remind us that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and that we are diminished by every death. keep our lawmakers vigilant, providing our nation with profiles of courage through their striving. lord, use our senators to cause justice to shine upon those who sit in the shadows of despair. and, lord, thank you for the safe return of our lawmakers from ukraine. we pray in your mighty name. amen. the president pro tempore: please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands,
preservation of evidence of war crimes committed by the russian federation in ukraine. today, putin s war on ukraine rages on. the onslaught of russian aggression continues. more and more heartbreaking stories emerge from the front line. it has now been 76 days since russia s renewed invasion of ukraine the evidence of war crimes is insurmountable. as the russian military retreated from the north of kyiv, horrific accounts of war crimes and human rights abuses surfaced. the in such instances, it was reported that the residents watched and watched on as six of their civilian male countrymen died needlessly at the hands of the russian troops. russian military is also using sexual assault as a weapon of war. many accusations of rape are streaming in all across ukraine. women and children have been the main targets of russian sexual violence. in another instance, the new york times reported that a mother in kharkiv sheltering with her five-year-old daughter in school was forced i
work before 3:30 in the afternoon. we are on the air force schedule now. [laughter] many of you know congressman gallagher from wisconsin, member of the house armed services committee and now the house select committee on intelligence. also a writer and thinker on all the things we are talking about today, so grateful to have him talk about the things we are talking about today. we were just reminiscing outside about two seminal events that happened in this room, in the press club. i want to start with deterrence and integrated deterrence. we heard from our first panel about the need for the u.s. to be engaged and engaged in muscular fashion in the world not reckless, not imprudent, but leading, the definition that leadership requires that you generate fellowship. then we heard from the last panel that you need the wherewithal. the wherewithal for deterrents. the new administration has a concept called integrated deterrence. you wrote a panel about it in the washingto
this meeting on defense sub committee to order. this is a hybrid meeting, so i m going to have to do a few housekeeping matters to make sure everyone knows what s going to happen and how this is going to work. members joining virtually, once you start speaking, there s a slight delay before you re displayed on the main screen. speak into the microphone. because it will activate the camera, displaying the speaker on the main screen. do not stop your remarks if you re not immediately seeing the screen switch. if the screen does not change after several seconds, please make sure you are not muted. to minimize background noise and ensure correct speaker is being heard and displayed, we ask that you remain on mute unless you have sought recognition, and i will call on you, or if you need to seek recognition, please do so. myself or a staff designee may mute the participant s microphone if there s inadvertent background noise. you are responsible for muting and unmuting yourselves