We’d like to remind Gov. Burgum that some of the most iconic and successful products to come out of North Dakota are union-made and benefit from Made in America policies.
Landis Larson, President, North Dakota AFL-CIO Co-signed by AFL-CIO affiliates: Northern Valley Labor Council, Northern Plains United Labor Council, Missour
May 7, 2021
A free food distribution will be held in Minot Saturday, May 15, hosted by the Missouri Slope Labor Council, in partnership with the North Dakota AFL-CIO, North Dakota Building Trades Unions and the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation.
The distribution will occur at the IBEW Local 714 Union Hall at 125 35th Ave. NE in Minot, beginning at 10 a.m. A semi-truck will be bringing 1,300 30-pound food boxes as well as milk. Union volunteers and local labor leaders will be handling distribution of the boxes, which will occur using contactless drive-through pickup as long as supplies last. For live updates on availability, follow facebook.com/NorthDakotaAFLCIO.