New far-out Zilker Park train will chug into Austin this fall The Zilker Eagle has lots of Austin style.
Courtesy of Austin Parks Foundation After a two-year suspension in service, a decades-old Austin institution is getting back on track, and in a very Austin-tatious way. On the 60th anniversary of the Zilker Park train, the eagerly anticipated new chugger, named the Zilker Eagle, will embark on a new era with its new name, a new look, and new specifications that both honor its history and embrace Austin’s weird culture. Replacing the Zilker Zephyr, which was decommissioned in 2019, the new Zilker Eagle gets its name courtesy of the Austin community, which last fall submitted more than 750 name ideas and cast 7,000 votes for their favorites. It’s a fitting choice that harkens back to the train’s origins, as the Eagle was also the name of the first train to run the tracks at Zilker Park, beginning in 1961.