Colin KalmbacherFeb 2nd, 2021, 7:28 pm
As the U.S. Senate slowly prepares for the impeachment tribunal of former President
Donald Trump, it seems fan fiction is beginning to circulate about the potential for how things might turn out in terms of a verdict were reality actually scripted by someone like
Aaron Sorkin.
Liberal pundit and former labor secretary
Robert Reich offered one such idea that attained a decided amount of popularity and virality on social media early last week.
“February vote in Senate on whether to convict Trump should be a secret ballot in order to (1) protect safety of senators, and (2) allow them to vote their consciences,” he tweeted, “Same protections as jurors in most trials. Senate Dems could do this with 51 votes.”
Frank O. Bowman III is University of Missouri Curators’ Distinguished Professor and Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law, as well as Dean’s Visiting Scholar at Georgetown University Law Center. He is the
author of the book