Visit ncicap. Org] the peaker thhouse will b inrd. Theyer wl boffed r gutplain, pastor b mcgregor, city harvest crch, vancouver, shington. Thchaplainl w today wh thanving for the work oyour grace in establishing this gre work called americ nation opptunity, many fight to come aarof us and dese eave. Great. Ou, lord,e mades ouroung fatrsnderstood this experice a by the sipture cept the ord ild house they labd ivain bld fmn daily eep convictn al to you wisdo nation. Leadersf this gre oncagain we ask for t om to rotect al ou tizens, opptunity all, heuroor, ce r ourldly, our filies, educate ourldren, makconomy stron we pray uty in this ndea may righousnesexalt us thro all ls. This wkpectin jee discuss nam the spker chairas examined the nal of the last daysceed and anunces to e ouse hi aproval thereof. Pu to au 1f rule 1, journast appved. Fo whapurp seek recognition . Mr. Thompson pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, i i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers approval. Journal. The speaker the
After flooding caused by the Pearl River, problems began to arise at the O.B. Curtis Water plant in Jackson, Mississippi, leading to residents going a week without water. Although access to water has been restored, it is not clean nor safe to consume. On Aug. 30, Gov. Tate Reeves declared a State of Emergency and […]