A Rockford musician partnered with a wildlife preservation society to create serene tunes inspired by birds. An album celebration will take place on Saturday June 8th.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission made a surprise move recently when it passed a regulation allowing mechanical motion decoys for duck hunting on wildlife management areas.
Building collisions kill up to a billion birds every year in the U.S., or between 5% and 10% of the bird population, said Bryan Lenz of the American Bird Conservancy.
Birds could have a safer flight path thanks to a new Lake County policy that requires newly constructed county-owned buildings to use at least 80% bird-friendly glass on the exteriors.
A little barred owl looked up from the crux of Dana Franzen-Klein s elbow, stared the veterinarian in the eye and, in as tough and menacing of a posture as he could muster, clicked his beak. The injured bird was a baby, maybe a month old. His click was a warning, that despite being a puffball barely bigger than Franzen-Klein s palm, he would bite the medical director of the Minnesota Raptor Center if he had to.