The Shiv Sena (UBT) said the Narendra Modi government can send a mission to the Sun, but it should first focus on the onion issue in the country or else the ruling party will not even not realise that their 2024 Lok Sabha endeavour will go haywire.
In an editorial in Shiv Sena (UBT) mouthpiece Saamana, the party slammed the Centre’s decision to impose 40 per cent export duty on onion. | Latest News India
The Shiv Sena party criticized the Indian government for prioritizing space missions over addressing the onion issue in the country. They urged the government to focus on stabilizing the onion market before embarking on missions to the Sun and other celestial bodies. The editorial highlighted the importance of resolving the onion issue, which affects farmers in Maharashtra, and warned that neglecting this issue could harm the ruling party s prospects in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.