The new technology would be the answer, but 12 years ago technology had not yet caught up at the station. Last year he gave thanks to the Production Team that pushed themselves to deliver some thing never been done before, a marvelous movie was created. This is another example of why we go to the movies to be astonished into dream as well. It was all of this technology, innovation and creativity, ticket price to consumers has remained remarkably stable over many, many of us, roughly dollars. Other than listening to music, watching free tv programming, the most affordable, accessible entertainment is watching a picture inside the stateoftheart theater. Thats why theyve told theaters continue to try were people than all theme parks and major sporting event combine. It has never been a better time to be a consumer of movies and television. Because it is not up to more people in workplaces want to watch them more times across multiple platforms, the film and Television Industries innovatin
Subcommittee on oversight will come to order. In front of you are pacts containing the written testimony, biography, and truth and testimony disclosures of todays witness panel. Ill reck nieces myself for five minutes for an Opening Statement. Good morning and welcome. This hearing titled operating Unmanned Aircraft systems in the National Air Space system assessing research and Development Efforts to ensure safety is a first hearing for the 113th congress subcommittee on oversight. During our break, our name changed, but our general and special investty investigative to study all laws and government activities are involving nonmilitary research and development remaining the same. Id like to extend a warm welcome to the Witnesses Today, really appreciate you guys being here. Also, i want to welcome our returning members and our new members including the subcommittees Ranking Member and distinguished gentleman from new york new york. I look forward to working with you all and the Rankin
Gilmore and officials with the Government Accountability office. The report highlights Government Programs and agencies that may be vulnerable to fraud, waste and abuse, and mismanagement. This is just over 90 minutes. The committee on Homeland Security, somebody on oversight and management and efficiency, will come to order. The purpose of this hearing is to examine the efficiency of this department of home and security and how widely the are spending taxpayer dollars. Let me begin by extending a warm welcome to the other members of the subcommittee. I am looking forward to working with the Ranking Members as we both share a commitment to u. S. Border security and ensuring our board agents ensuring our Border Agents receive the support they need to protect homeland. Also look forward to a strong bipartisan cooperation in helping to make the department of home as security as efficient and effective as possible. I would also like to introduce our new freshmen majority members. We have m
To more effectively address emerging threats from the middle east and north africa. It has been our willingness to work through multilateral channels that kept the world on our side. President obama told graduates at the u. S. Military academy at west point that our reduced presence in afghanistan allows washington to redirect resources towards the changing face of global terrorism. The commander in chief laid out plans for a 5 billion Counterterrorism Partnership. Its intended to help train other nations in coordination with the state department. We will work with lebanon, with turkey, with iraq, with jordan, with others in order to do a better job of being able to counter a rise of increasing numbers of terrorist groups. The rollout comes just days after the president announced his plan to end the war in afghanistan by the time he leaves office and just days before he leaves for another overseas trip. This time to europe. That trip is all about Foreign Policy. The president is trayin
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