Returning members with that, madam clerk please call the roll. And supervisor president london breed supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor fewer supervisor kim not present supervisor peskin supervisor ronen supervisor safai supervisor safai supervisor tang supervisor yee madam president combourm quorum okay ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, madam clerk any communications. I have no communications to report madam president. Colleagues, any changes to the november 1, 2016, Board Meeting minutes seeing none, is there a motion to approve those minutes move forward two supervisor farrell seconded by supervisor tang colleagues without objection, without objection those Board Meeting minutes will commissioner kim was no the room during the vote please call. A total of 9 million of transfer tax no 2016 through 2017 for Fundi
Much. Hello, im 345ek im a relocated green voter and running for the bart board district 8 to november let me explain why im a long term regular yours of that bay area and practitioner my responsibility social justice activism criteria expands four decades for lgbt and hiv persons locally and globally holding nonprofits affordable and expanding Government Transparency and fighting for human rights for all my partner and i our closet bart is on 16th street and Mission Street in june of 2014 i persuaded barts the department of Public Health and others to address the sanitary conditions my advocacy lead to cash washing and reform of fire hazardous debris and the pigeon speekd wires left birds poop for everyone regarding accessibility assess last july i complained to bart about the lack of the way finding signage at the 16th street plaza promises were made by back and forth leader to improve throughout the plaza area unfortunately bart didnt escape its word i want better signage telling th
Much. Hello, im 345ek im a relocated green voter and running for the bart board district 8 to november let me explain why im a long term regular yours of that bay area and practitioner my responsibility social justice activism criteria expands four decades for lgbt and hiv persons locally and globally holding nonprofits affordable and expanding Government Transparency and fighting for human rights for all my partner and i our closet bart is on 16th street and Mission Street in june of 2014 i persuaded barts the department of Public Health and others to address the sanitary conditions my advocacy lead to cash washing and reform of fire hazardous debris and the pigeon speekd wires left birds poop for everyone regarding accessibility assess last july i complained to bart about the lack of the way finding signage at the 16th street plaza promises were made by back and forth leader to improve throughout the plaza area unfortunately bart didnt escape its word i want better signage telling th
Shop and dine the 49 challenges residents to do theyre shopping with the 49ers of San Francisco by supporting the Services Within the feigned we help San Francisco remain unique and successful and rib rant where will you shop the shop and dine the 49 im e jonl i provide sweets square feet potpie and peach cobbler and i started my business this is my baby i started out of high home and he would back for friends and coworkers theyll tell you hoa you need to open up a shop at the time he move forward book to the bayview and i thinks the t line was up i need have a shop on third street i live in bayview and i wanted to have my shop here in bayview a quality dessert shot shop in my neighborhood in any business is different everybody is in small banishes there are homemade recess pesz and ingredients from scratch we shop local because we have someone that is here in your city or your neighborhood that is provide you with is service with Quality Ingredients and quality products and need to be
Shop and dine the 49 challenges residents to do theyre shopping with the 49ers of San Francisco by supporting the Services Within the feigned we help San Francisco remain unique and successful and rib rant where will you shop the shop and dine the 49 im e jonl i provide sweets square feet potpie and peach cobbler and i started my business this is my baby i started out of high home and he would back for friends and coworkers theyll tell you hoa you need to open up a shop at the time he move forward book to the bayview and i thinks the t line was up i need have a shop on third street i live in bayview and i wanted to have my shop here in bayview a quality dessert shot shop in my neighborhood in any business is different everybody is in small banishes there are homemade recess pesz and ingredients from scratch we shop local because we have someone that is here in your city or your neighborhood that is provide you with is service with Quality Ingredients and quality products and need to be