In the post, she also revealed that she wore a Simrit Kaur lehenga. She also wrote that her hair and makeup were inspired by Kajol s ‘uni-brow’ look from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, a film that the beauty had bunked college for. She wrote that she has come a long way , at least in the hair and makeup department.
The actor revealed that she found the photo while sorting out her original documents. “I was sorting my original education documents – BA, MA and found this photo in that folder.” She concluded with a request, “PS if someone was in Patiala in 96-98 can you please help me with the name of the cinema hall? It’s really bothering me that I can’t remember.” The actor wore a bright yellow lehenga with intricate zari embroidery on the border. The look was accessorised with a neckpiece and a maang tikka.