Reported in their september 16th article that you did show them the therapist notes. Is that incorrect . I dont remember physically showing her a note. Perhaps my counsel did. I dont remember physically showing her my copy of the note. I just dont remember. Im sorry. I have retrieved a physical copy of those medical records. Okay. Thank you. You also attended individual therapy. Did you show any of those notes to the reporter from the Washington Post . Again, i dont remember if i showed her something that i summarized or if i just spoke about it. Or if she saw it in my counsels office. I dont know for sure, but i certainly spoke with her about the 2013 record with the individual therapist. And Brett Kavanaughs name is not in those notes, is that correct . Correct. Okay. In reading the Washington Post article, it mentions that this incident that we are here about contributed to anxiety and ptsd problems with which you have struggled. The word contributed, does that mean there are other
And the republican majority. I want it to be comprehensive. I actually think its a good thing for judge kavanaugh. I think its actually a good thing. Not a bad thing. My white house will do whatever the senators want. We dont want to go on a witch hunt, do we . Should the fbi interview all three of Brett Kavanaughs accusers . It wouldnt bother me at all. Now, it depends. I dont know all three of the accusers. Certainly, i imagine, theyre going to interview two. The third one, i dont know much about. But it wouldnt bother me at all. I mean, ive been heard that the third one has i have no idea if this is true has very little credibility. You said this crap, when you refer to ive been dealing with this crap for years. I think the press has treated me unbelievably unfairly. In fact, when i won, i said, the good thing is now the press finally gets it. Now theyll finally treat me fairly. They got worse theyre worse now than ever. Theyre loco. But thats okay. I put up with it. There are now c
Designated questioner, the sex crimes expert from the state of arizona. The democrats are going individually and taking their time. Some of them giving more statements than q a. Joyce vance, to mimis point, which is so important, there is now, speaking of dichotomies, this yawning gap between the Brett Kavanaugh that he has insisted he is, and put forward in media appearance, and the Brett Kavanaugh we are seeing and hearing portrayed. Thats absolutely right. And the answer to closing that gap is his best friend, mark judge, who hasnt been subpoenaed today, who wrote a letter saying that he didnt want to have his life disrupted anymore so he wouldnt present himself for sworn testimony. He will have to testify. It will have to be under oath. And as mimi points out, its very interesting. Does he go ahead and confirm his friends version of events . Or does he finally complete the outreach that dr. Ford tried to make with him during this event where she says she locked eyes with him and th
He wrote Law Enforcement agencies use polygraph to test the credibility of witnesses and criminal defenses. Refusing to take a polygraph, judge kavanaugh has failed that test. Judge kavanaugh claimed that all four witnesses dr. Blasey ford identified as being present at the party have said that the Sexual Assault didnt happen. Only one person has said the Sexual Assault didnt happen. Brett kavanaugh. The other three partygoers dr. Blasey ford identified said they do not remember the incident, that is a big difference. Do not recall is a different statement that it didnt happen. And the other woman dr. Blasey ford named who was there has since publicly stated that she believes dr. Blasey fords account. Judge kavanaugh tried to give himself an alibi, his own high school calendar, which he provided to the committee as evidence contradicts that statement. During the hearing in an exchange with my colleague senator booker, judge kavanaugh admitted that one of the entries on his calendar fro
About who is being interviewed, who is in the, and so on. We know this renewed fbi Background Investigation is underway and we understand that at the very top of the list is dr. Christine blasey ford. We reached out to her attorneys yesterday and we were told that she has not yet been contacted by the fbi. Doesnt mean she wont be. Its just she hasnt been yet. Also mark judge, the man who dr. Ford puts in the room. He is a witness but possibly an accomplice. There is leland keyser, fords long time friend who said she had no recollection of being at a party. Then there is also p. J. Smyth. He is kavanaughs friend. Then theres deborah ramirez. She is the classmate at yale who alleges that kavanaugh exposed himself to her. I am told that investigators spoke to her yesterday. And then add to all of that chad ludington. He is a yale classmate of kavanaughs who said he often drank with him. He issued a statement yesterday saying that kavanaugh was not truthful about his drinking in his testim