Meghan McCain would like to talk to the manager of the coronavirus vaccine rollout because she, an able-bodied wealthy white woman, cannot find out where to get a vaccine. Never mind that the supply is limited, we’re facing massive slowdowns because of weather crises, or the fact that the vaccine should be getting to the elderly, medically vulnerable, and front-line workers first. Oh, no, Miss McCain wants it now and anyone who’s keeping her from that needs to be fired.
This is a brief summation of McCain’s latest privileged polemic on today’s episode of The View. McCain’s rant came after playing a clip of Dr, Anthony Fauci, who McCain I guess wants to personally call her to make a vaccine appointment because she’s tired of being responsible. She’s personally offended by “the fact that Dr. Fauci is going on CNN and he can’t tell me that if I get the vaccine, if I’ll be able to have dinner with my family.”