Shares of VanEck Israel ETF (NYSEARCA:ISRA – Get Rating) traded down 0.1% on Monday . The stock traded as low as $35.07 and last traded at $35.22. 1,355 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 39% from the average session volume of 2,210 shares. The stock had previously closed at $35.24. VanEck Israel […]
leag ranged from us support for ukraine to information o other key allies like isra, they appear to have been produced between mid februaryan. officials say they fear of this could jeopardize intelligence sources and methods and compromise foreign relationships. as you might expect. one u s lawmaker discussed the significance of these documents with cnn. we actually have to figure out the extent of how much is actual verifiable information that we ve collected. how much is it ? something has been repurposed by our foreign enemies the russia for their end goal and let s be clear. the reason this is coming out right now. it s because it is its goal is to weaken our resolve. weaken our alliance and help their end goal, which is to take all of ukraine. a source close to ukrainian president vladimir zelensky told cnn. ukraine has altered some of its military plans because of this league. there are also concerns sources who provided information about russian troops might be in
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