and wrong and i wanted to make sure i clarified them as soon as possible. i appreciate you having me on. but one of the things that is important is we all make mistakes. you made mistakes. other outlets. me, everybody does. we hopefully have a bit of forgiveness in us and i hope that people who understand know that when i make a mistake, i will try to own it and i ask people for their forgiveness. as i said before, you don t hear that very often from this administration asking for forgiveness. no. it was very robust. he said more than once, wolf, that he did make a mistake. he owned it. he should get credit for that but he does have a credibility problem. today he went out to the briefing. mispronounced bashar al assad s name more than once. referring to iran as a failed state more than once. whatever people think of a iran it is not a failed state. it is a regional power. as tara said, comparing hitler and holocaust and another atrocity which is never a good
washington, from the national center for public policy research, horace cooper, along jamila bey. we know about the right of speech. but in the constitution it s talked about as a peaceable protest. in other words, peaceful protests are protected not violent protests. absolutely. and frankly, these young students at berkeley, who are among the smartest in the world, put themselves on the line inve defense of their fellow students. one of the highest things that we hope our people do in battle and they are doing it already at school. to say we do not accept the violence that meelo os milo, i m sorry, mispronounced his name brings to the people he chooses to out. bringing out their names of people. eric: jamila, we agree on the right to protest this speech. right. eric: we disagree on the part where the violence was actually i don t know, held on a pedestal by u.c. berkeley. five op-eds publish the violence part of it? these are young people. may change their minds.
having a career outside they re not creatures of washington but they are not they re not outsiders. i ve never heard someone s name mispronounced as much as mnuchin. did i get it right? mnuchin, mnuchin, whatever. is free speech under fire in america? why some students are calling for safe spaces to protect them on campus and those students are on campus and those students are not liberals. captions by vitac
asking at some point black lives matter is going to be confronted with an uncomfortable question. is this all worth it? at what point will they rethink how they re approaching the problem? something at this vctivists trying to shut down the paper. i may have mispronounced. stas calfage. let s get that on the table. say it three times fast. i m not going to. i want to ask you a little bit about, were you worried when you released this piece you would get some serious backlash? yes. i mean when i write these arr t articles, i m knot 100% certain in my views. i wrote it in a way to get feedback. i thought i would get constructive criticism back. but it s been an attempt to get me not to publish again. it sounded like a thought 23u8 question.
puzzle but he couldn t pronounce it. take a listen to this. [inaudible] he mispronounced it. the correct pronunciation is curio as in curio cabinet. they ruled against him and the next contestant pronounced it correctly and won a thousand bucks. that doesn t seem fair, does it? brian: i thought it was letters, not pronunciation. pat sajak, it was less than three days when he greeted you so i don t know where you stand. elisabeth: i think the word mispronounced was already out there. if it was the one with a letter missing, i could see that. brian: i thought you win more than a thousand