in tandem, hand in hand, with the sheriff. but not in this case. you may remember, it was sheriff greg apple who surprised the da and cuomo last week when he charged cuomo with misdemeanor forcible touching, alleging that cuomo had groped brittany camisso, a former staffer in the executive mansion. well, cuomo, who has repeatedly denied the allegations of sexual misconduct against him he was also unaware. and an attorney for the alleged victim said he was also surprised. but says that he has confidence in the da s investigation into the matter. and so, so now, according to the da, the complaint filed by the sheriff s office is potentially defective not only because it does not contain that statement from the victim but also because the da and, again, he is the one who would ultimately decide whether to proceed with criminal charges here, says the complaint misstates the relevant law. so the sheriff, for his part,