What They Say
A girl creates a cell phone in her imagination, from which she can communicate with others…
A young boy discovers his new friend has the power to heal others and learns about true friendship and sacrifice…
The healing power of love confronts the tragedy and horror of a deadly train accident…
The Review:
Contents: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Otsu-ichi gives the reader three unrelated tales of supernatural dealings in this novel. In “Calling You”, Ryo dreams of owning a mobile phone both figuratively and literally. As an awkward high school student, she envies the other students’ active social lives. Ryo views their mobile phones as a symbol of their social success, and spends most of her day fantasizing about her own ideal mobile phone. When this imaginary phone begins ringing in her head one day, she initially takes this as a sign that she has completely lost her mind. In reality, she has established a psyc