blinken humiliate in the beijing now taiwan is up for grabs. the latest from the north atlanta where a search is under way for a submersible and that is within down to seat titanic and 5 passengers on the way at the b. ocean floor. first let us recap i don t biden s troubling weekend that began with another reference to lying, dog face, pony soldiers. take a look. some of you know i come down and say hi they tell mow there is a storm coming in. is that right? is that still the deal? that s a truth don t make a lie. that seen in yawn wayne don t make me a dog faced lying pony soldier. he just is cringe worthy every time without exception. later biden completely malfunctioned at the safer community summit in connecticut which is a joke biden has done absolutely nothing to make any american city or town safer. but did end with a proclamation dedicated to the late queen of england. god safety queen. all right. god safety queen man. [music] must have airose the b. pape
servers and hard drives something nobody heard. any device that had copies we were told were destroyed with hammers. blashg ber and hes i phones destroyed zip cards removed. so instead. what aboutism is it equal justice, application of the lus in the country greg? it does not seem to be applied joe biden in 4 locations or hillary that they admitted had the materials. d. justice did not sick the fbi armed individuals to bill clinton s house when he had take place or hillary s same house when she had hundreds of classified do you means. this is obviously selective prosecution. that will be one of the motions
expresident. merrick garland ban its why? because it is donald trump the remedy was a civil action. trump offered other valid arguments. he did not pack update box the gsa does that he was going through them when he got the subpoena and insists he was cooperating not obstructing the fbi agents or justice that is evidenced by not steven mirlt fbi had access to the room where they found the do you means at mar-a-logo, they were in the room and did not take anything they don t claim they requested to take anything and called back 2 days later. can you put another look. there was another look they wanted a second. which the donald trump and mar-a-logo complied with. and so. tell me where the president
that s gotta be true when the fbi raid his property they did not find temperature they did not finds it buzz he didn t have temperature refer when he brandishing papers to a journalist to articles and magazines summarizing it. and conspicuous low it is nowhere in the indictment. this is now. donald trump gave. go ahead wrochlt this is an inflection point. that is and the favorite word of media mob and democrats what aboutism. hillary clintson we know james comey told in july of 2016 she had top skwet classified information on her servers and has no ability to declassify as a former secretary of state or her time at secretary of state. we also know that s only the 30,000 e mails they had. missing 33,000 e mails because she destroyed them on her