but everybody is confused. like the gentleman that lost his son, everybody knows what s going on. something is wrong here, right? so why did it go down that way? why did it go all the way from the president through the entire chain of command and still got an idea that was executed in where are the military leaders that stand up and say no, something is wrong. i guess they re talking about white rage. that s it. tucker: you make the central point. don t you need colonels that are willing to wave their hand and say no, this won t work. nothing personal. should they be allowed to think clearly and help their generals make the best decision? don t you want this?rko that s what you should expect out of your subordinates. the people that work under you and be honest about assessments. when you disallow that, cut off that pipeline for information, we see what happeneded too.
Guenda Goria innamorata di Mirko Gancitano: “E’ bellissimo”
La storia d’amore tra Mirko Gancitano e la bella Guenda Goria prosegue come meglio non potrebbe. .
Mestská spoločnosť Hater-Handlová začala v týchto dňoch s distribúciou štartovacieho balíčka na zber biologicky rozložiteľného kuchynského odpadu (BRKO) domácnostiam v meste.
Diletta Leotta e Mirko Manola sono fratelli; il chirurgo plastico è il maggiore dei due, ma Perché hanno un cognome diverso? Leggi anche: fratello chirurgo .