Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. is thrilled to once again invite the nation to the sixth “Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium”, being held on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th of August at Clubs Hastings, Albert Street, .
La Fiesta continues under level 1
8 Mar, 2021 03:00 PM
4 minutes to read
My grateful thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding as La Fiesta experienced numerous changes and cancellations due to the alert level change in response to the latest community cases of Covid-19 in the last week.
Now that we are back at alert level 1 we look forward to celebrating the very last week of the festival with you all. There s still time to get into it!
Carla Donson, originator and co-ordinator of La Fiesta.
2pm plus 5.15pm: A Right Royal Tour, 69 St Hill St. Koha. Ph Shirna 349 0511 to book. Take a special behind the scenes look at the grand old dame that is the Royal Wanganui Opera House. Explore 120 years of history in the last remaining working Victorian theatre in the southern hemisphere.