it is like up close and what it all means some years later. miraculous construction right there. jon: also interesting too, this spire is going to be bolted and welded in place on the second anniversary of the death of usama bin laden, the man whose evil plans really knocked down the world trade center. jenna: good point toer are. one of the thing that the spire is going to be doing, it will serve as a way for media, we used to satellites, it will be one of the ways we re able to broadcast, not just us. oh look, you can see the american flag. jon: old glory. jenna: it is not just aesthetic is the point. it will serve a function as sort of this big antenna in lower manhattan but history made today. the final spire put on top of one world trade. as it goes up we ll bring you back down to lower man hat and manhattan and we ll show you how it all comes together. meanwhile we move to fox weather alert. a rare may snowfall in