The story of a life that has touched so many is a true testament of their heart, soul, and strength. I learned strength, love, and endurance from this young man.
The story of a life that has touched so many is a true testament of their heart, soul, and strength. I learned strength, love, and endurance from this young man.
The story of a life that has touched so many is a true testament of their heart, soul, and strength. I learned strength, love, and endurance from this young man.
<p>We all face bad situations in which nothing we do seems to make any difference and hopelessness fills our hearts. It’s at times like this that we understand only a miracle will do – only the supernatural, divine intervention of Almighty God will get us out of such an awful mess.</p><p>But not just any god.</p>
In der Serie „Y: The Last Man“ (ab 22. September bei Disney+) sterben alle männlichen Lebewesen auf Erden – bis auf den Entfesselungskünstler Yorick und sein Äffchen Ampersand. Wobei der matriarchalische Neubeginn keineswegs friedlich abläuft. Endzeit ist wieder mal die schönste Zeit in dieser Comicverfilmung.