that a student has been shot at west orange high school in winter garden. we can tell you that the shooter, apparently ran away from the school property, so there is an active search for the shooter. the victim, though, is alert and the good news at least, the silver lining, no students were around as this school had an early dismissal. so we re making phone calls and watching reports on that student shooting, west orange high school in winter garden, florida. details as we get them here on cnn. switching gears, we talked to our weather folks just a short time ago. they passed along this startling piece of news. minus 28 degrees. minus 28. you heard me right, at noon in west yellowstone, montana. skip two states down, you have 80 degrees in texas. minus 28 in montana. that is a gap of 108 degrees. have you ever heard of such a thing? anna cabrera is in boulder, colorado, on the more frigid
it s persistent. the folks here in colorado say, yes, this is a big storm. it snows in colorado, but not like this typically and not this cold for as long as it s expected to be cold, brooke. that s why we re out here in the thick of it. bundle up, stay warm. i suppose it s downright balmy compared to the minus 28 in monta montana. chad myers, explain how this is possible, this difference in temperature. if we re talking 80 degrees in dallas, isn t there a marathon there this weekend? it s not going to be anywhere near 80. in fact, the temperatures will drop 60 degrees in dallas over the next 48 hours. if you go west of where ana is, this is what i-70 looks like. farther to the west, it was a mess with a lot of that roadway closed because of accidents. the worst weather right now though is actually minnesota, into deluth, into green bay, picking up a rain-snow mix. here s the deal, the rub.
outbreak. right now in fairbanks, alaska, it is minus 28 degrees. no cold temperatures spread across canada. that purple and the white is the really cold stuff. by the time we get to friday, it invades minnesota and wisconsin. by the time we get to saturday, it s in the great lakes, into the ohio valley. into the east coast by sunday. you get the picture. appreciate the 40s in minneapolis, chicago and most and mid-atlantic today. because this upcoming weekend will be much, much colder. at least the airports will be okay today. a nice sunrise coming at reagan national airport. are you watching morning joe. . .
it s snowing there again today. going to focus on our friends in northern new england. we re complaining in new york and d.c. about minus 2 and 7. burlington, vermont, this morning, minus 28. caribou at minus 26. i mean, that s colder than even fargo and duluth this morning. so you get the picture. now, this is kind of isolated, actually. much of the southern half of the nation and all of the west is actually looking at very warm conditions. it could be 67 degrees today in denver, 70 in dallas, and 70 in miami. so not everyone is dealing with this really frigid pattern. and by the time we get to next week, so in other words, if you can survive one week of this, we re going to warm it up next week and we ll start to see temperatures almost what they were before, which was above average. but today, it s just brutally cold, windchills are making it feel even worse. snow showers by the great lakes. minneapolis, still brutally cold. and our friends on the west coast, actually some rain for
winter, two. two years since we ve been this cold in many spots. glenz falls, new york, minus 15. negative numbers go down to albany. single digits as far south as hartford. the wind chill is not much better. greenville, maine, minus 28. a dangerous morning in new england for the kids. make sure everyone is bundled up this morning and doesn t spend a lot of time out side. warmer in the midwest. it s still cold pretty much across the country. a little light rain in new orleans through the southeast. so the forecast today, very slow and painful warmup in new england. flurries through the great lakes. otherwise, it s a very quiet forecast out there. i ll give you your five-degree warmup in most areas of the east by about friday into saturday. five degrees warmer outside. five degrees colder in here. i heard stories about. that. yeah. frigid. bill karins, thank you very much. now we go to the part of the program where i unleash my inner george michael. sports, college football bo