12:09 PM May 21, 2021
Debbie Stewart of R H Bond Funeral Directors in Stoke Ferry has been joined in the business by her sister Samantha Smith.
- Credit: Chris Kot
A west Norfolk funeral directors is now officially a family affair after the owner s sister joined her in the business.
Mrs Smith, who has spent 15 years working in the care industry, had been helping out behind the scenes to support her sister in her new venture, but this week took her position a step further by officially joining the funeral directors, wearing the top hat on her first funeral on Monday.
11:00 AM April 30, 2021
Lee Calton s funeral procession stopped outside The Swan Inn in South Wootton, for mourners to pay their respects.
- Credit: Ian Burt
Mourners gathered to pay their respects to a much-loved football fan.
Lee Calton, 37, passed away at his home in King George V Avenue, King s Lynn, on April 15.
Lee Calton s funeral, order of service.
- Credit: Ian Burt
On Thursday family, friends and fellow fans gathered at the Swan Inn, in South Wootton, where the funeral cortege paused for 10 minutes.
Lee Calton s funeral procession stopped outside The Swan Inn in South Wootton, for mourners to pay their respects.
West Norfolk Council plea over funeral rules
| Updated: 11:26, 05 April 2021
Council officials have urged funeral directors to ensure mourners are aware of the coronavirus rules following incidents at West Norfolk s main crematorium.
Under the current lockdown restrictions, a maximum of 30 people are allowed to attend funeral services.
But a report published ahead of this Thursday s scheduled borough council meeting has revealed staff at the Mintlyn Crematorium, just outside Lynn, have been faced with larger groups than are allowed.
Mintlyn Crematorium.. (43588257)
Paul Kunes, the authority s cabinet member for commercial services and climate change, wrote: There have been a couple of occasions where groups of mourners larger than the permitted 30 have turned up at the Crematorium.
He went to work for FMC in Fakenham, before moving to Ross Foods. He also signed up to become a member of the retained fire service, where he served for 25 years.
It meant parties might be missed and days out cancelled when the bell rang, but his family said he was a devoted and loving husband, dad, father-in-law and grandad.
In 1975 when there were redundancies at Ross Foods, he made the decision to include himself in those and with his redundancy money he started G Pope Engineering in his shed.
George Pope was well known in Fakenham, working as a firefighter and establishing Wensum Engineering in the market town.