The journalists have been looking for the former Prime Minister of Belarus
Siarhei Rumas for three days already. Whether the security forces are looking for him is another question to which no one has an answer yet.
The ex-prime minister last appeared in messengers at five in the morning on February 3. In the afternoon of the same day, it became known that several top managers of Belagroprombank, which Siarhei Rumas headed from 2005 to 2010, were summoned for interrogations to the Financial Investigation Department of the State Control Committee. Some Belarusian telegram channels reported on the arrest of Rumas and that the interrogations of the bank s employees were connected precisely with his activities - in particular, with the issuance of loans to the Turau Dairy Plant.
Aleksandr Shpakovsky
Aleksandr Shpakovsky
Political scientist
Europe has no right to determine the guilt of sovereign states, Aleksandr Shpakovsky, the head of the information and analysis center Actual Concept, said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel on 18 December, BelTA has learned.
“Europe determining the guilt of sovereign states that are not EU entities is a legal collision. This is odd,” Aleksandr Shpakovsky said.
Commenting on the EU s approval of the third package of sanctions against Belarus, which also applies to some enterprises, the political expert said that such decisions are confusing. He cited the example of Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant: this enterprise does not cooperate with Western countries. What harm can it inflict on the European Union? “This applies to most of the enterprises on the sanctions list, he said.
Political expert on sanctions against Belarus: Is Europe entitled to judge other countries?
Aleksandr Shpakovsky. An archive photo
MINSK, 21 December (BelTA) - Europe has no right to determine the guilt of sovereign states, Aleksandr Shpakovsky, the head of the information and analysis center Actual Concept, said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel on 18 December, BelTA has learned.
“Europe determining the guilt of sovereign states that are not EU entities is a legal collision. This is odd,” Aleksandr Shpakovsky said.
Commenting on the EU s approval of the third package of sanctions against Belarus, which also applies to some enterprises, the political expert said that such decisions are confusing. He cited the example of Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant: this enterprise does not cooperate with Western countries. What harm can it inflict on the European Union? “This applies to most of the enterprises on the sanctions list, he said.