When: Monday, 5:30 p.m.
Where: Minot City Hall, council chambers, second floor, 515-2nd Ave. SW, or City of Minot’s YouTube channel.
Agenda: The council will consider planning commission terms, abatement requests on 92 vacant lots in Prairie Wynd Fourth & Fifth Additions, an enterprise agreement with Minot Convention and Visitors Bureau and design of a recycling transfer station and new landfill entrance. The council will hold a public hearing on updates to its special assessment policy and receive updates from the Minot Alliance of Nonprofits and MADC.
How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Council members are Mayor Shaun Sipma, Lisa Olson, Carrie Evans, Paul Pitner, Stephan Podrygula, Tom Ross and Mark Jantzer.