print we are the back tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m. eastern, good night. the videos are disturbing. their names are well known. traffic stops where drivers pay the ultimate price. quick shots fired subject is down too. in a system fraught with bias. with a black man four times more likely that a white man to be searched. how did we get here? are you training traffic stops or the most dangerous things that could happen? you are because they actually are. these stops can exact a huge cost on the black community. physically. what has is done to you? i can only move my arm this far for. emotionally. it is the humiliation and financially. how much money have you paid in fines and fees? over 10,000 dollars. tonight the problem and some controversial reforms. i don t believe you need somebody with the gun to pull someone over in a traffic stop. unarmed citizens during traffic stops. horrible idea. cnn special report, traffic stop dangerous encounters.
reduced staff. we don t have the same staffing numbers that we had last year, a year ago, let alone five years ago. and then we re introducing this operational change. my thing is, what can we do now to get ahead of criminals having the perception that they could go and do whatever they want? we re not ceasing police work, i can t be any clearer that addressing violent crime is our number one priority. the only difference with this is saying it cannot be the primary reason that i pulled you over. the law made eight violations secondary violations. passed through emissions and inspection stickers, late registration, minor bumper damage, having one taillight out. relocation of a license plate. items hanging from a rear view miles an hour roar. and it contains a death component. so that we could assess the
operational change. my thing is, what can we do now to get ahead of criminals having the perception that they can go and do whatever they want? we re not ceasing police work, i can t be clearer, addressing violent crime is our number one the bill makes eight violations secondary violations. past dewey missions and inspection stickers, late registration, minor bumper damage, having one taillight out, relocation of a license plate, items hanging from the rearview mirror, wrong location for window permits, and it contains a data component. so we can assess the progress of the bill six months, one year, 18 months in. the steps in philadelphia are incremental. limited changes designed with the hope they produce big impact.
saying it cannot be the primary reason that i pulled you over. the bill makes 8 voos violations secondary violations. past due emissions and inspection stickers, late registration, minor bumper damage, having one taillight out. relocation of a license plate. items hanging from the rear view mirror pvrp wrong location for window permits. and it contains a data component. we can assess the progress of the bill six months, one year, 18 months in. the steps in philadelphia are incremental. limited changes designed with the hope they produce big impact. in brooklyn center, minnesota, dante write s hometown changes if implemented will be big, very big. the motion passes 4-1. the goal of resolution passed in may is to transform the way the city of 34,000 is policed. i truly believe that if this