From the column: "If we aren't able to face the climate reality, then how do we know if our thoughts, beliefs, and actions will save us or destroy what we supposedly hold so precious?"
Their youthful lake-side memories behind them, dad and daughter fear loss of those experiences in a warming state.
By Bud Ward | Tuesday, December 22, 2020
A sampling of family photos that recall fond times spent at Leech Lake in Minnesota. Clockwise from top: Julie’s father, James Alger, with her son Otto (left) and nephew Jack, in 1997; Julie, alone on the lakefront; with her three brothers, parents, and the family dog; and with other family members (all in the late 1960s).
Their lived experiences and vibrant memories are many:
Off-the-grid monthly family escapes to a deep and clean northern Minnesota lake amid coniferous forests, white pines, and the calming isolation of woodlands;