NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HEARINGON PETITION FOR HEARING ONPETITION FOR DESCENTOF PROPERTYSTATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF ST. LOUISSIXTH JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTPROBATE DIVISIONCourt File No. 69VI-PR-23-10ESTATE OFTINA HARDY BROWN,F/K/A TINA BENCKDecedent.A Petition for Determination ofDescent has been filed with thisCourt. The Petition representsthat the Decedent died more thanthree years ago, leaving propertyin Minnesota and requests the probate of
INVITATION TO BIDDERSLincoln Place ApartmentsSite CorrectionsNotice is hereby given that sealedbids for the Eveleth Economic Development Authority Lincoln PlaceApartments Site Corrections will beaddressed and delivered to EvelethEconomic Development Authority,Eveleth City Hall, Attn: Jackie Monahan Junek, at 413 Pierce Street,Eveleth, MN 55734.BID DATE: February 14, 2023BID TIME: 2:15 PM Local TimeAll bids must be prepared on
(Published in the Brainerd Dispatch, March 27, April 3, 2022, 2t.) SECTION 00 11 13 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PILLAGER HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 323 EAST 2ND STREET SOUTH PILLAGER, MINNESOTA Pillager School District #116 will receive single prime sealed bids for Pillager High School Stadium and Site Improvements until 2:00 p.m. local time on April 12, 2022 at the District Office, 323 East 2nd Street South, Pillager, Minnesota, 56473, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidding documents, including the Proposal Form, Drawings and Specifications, will be on file at the Minnesota Builders Exchange; McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge Plan Center; Reed Construction; iSqFt Plan Room (St. Paul, MN); Fargo-Moorhead Builders Exchange; Grand Forks Builders Exchange; and from PlanWell at PrivateList.aspx?PrjType=pub. This project includes but is not limited to: selective demolition; civil site work: grading