A combination of a wet, cold spring that delayed planting and dry conditions during the growing season resulted in yields that were about what the cooperative had expected, but lower than it had hoped for. Sugar content is estimated at 19%, just shy of the record content of 19.2% set in 2012.
The harvest, which was scheduled to begin Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022, has been moved to the next week, weather permitting, at Minn-Dak Farmers Co-op, in Wahpeton, North Dakota, Southern Minnesota Beet Co-op in Renville, Minnesota, and in four of five American Crystal Sugar Co. factory districts.
United States Sugar Corp., a Florida company that markets sugar cooperatively with Red River Valley sugarbeet growers through United Sugars, wants to purchase Imperial Sugar Co. The U.S. Department of Justice was suing to block the purchase.