Hem Vanndy, Minister of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, and Heng Sour, Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, convened a meeting on May 29 to discuss implementing a social security scheme for the informal sector.
That expensively educated university students – among them Jews – are aligning themselves with the bigoted, murderous, antisemitic Boko Haram-like Hamas is ludicrous and evil.
The visit of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and a ministerial delegation to Berlin in December was full of mutual praise and pledges to deepen the bilateral partnership. But one topic caused unease: Germany s efforts to recruit Brazilian nurses.
A committee under the International Labour Organization recently requested the South Korean government to provide details on a planned amendment to the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act. The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations under the United Nations agency aiming to advance social and economic justice by setting international labor standards, said Tuesday that it .