North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi) has declared an 8% dividend of Rs 800 lakh for the financial year 2022-23. NEDFi achieved record-breaking figures in various parameters, including financial assistance and loan portfolio. The net worth of NEDFi crossed Rs 1000 crore, and it facilitated private capital investment of over Rs 20000 crore in the region.
Guwahati: DoNER (Development of North East Region) minister G Kishan Reddy on Friday launched India’s first 5G training labs and 5G applications in he.
The North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMAC), under the Ministry of DoNER, has undertaken Geographical Indication (GI) certification of 13 products of the northeastern.
The Northeast Global Investors Summit was held with the intention of highlighting the Northeast region s enormous potential and to attract investments from around the globe to support its economic.