Prime Minister Janez Janša will lead a sizeable Slovenian delegation to the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, to be held between 31 October and 12 November. The roadmap posted on the government website estimates the cost at EUR 1.2 million, most of which is to be spent on an EU pavilion.
Senior Slovenian officials expressed concern over the storming of the US Capitol building on Wednesday. "All should be very troubled by the violence taking place in Washington D.C.," Prime Minister Janez Janša said.
(ANSA) - LJUBLJANA, 14 DIC - In Slovenia, the government has
decided to ease some restrictive measures, starting tomorrow and
for a week, in the regions in a better epidemiological
situation. Some services will reopen, such as public transport
with half capacity and shops, starting with beauty salons and
hairdressers to avoid undeclared employment and ensure
compliance with safety regulations. There will be no change
regarding schools. Going out of your municipality is allowed,
but only if you remain in the statistical region. Moreover, you
should use the #OstaniZdrav app, downloaded so far by just over
10% of the population. Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote on