Eramet SA: Eramet: Q1 2021 turnover up 8%, driven by the strong growth of the Mining and Metals division
Eramet: Q1 2021 turnover up 8%, driven by the strong growth of the Mining and Metals division
Consolidated turnover of €838m in Q1 2021, up 8% versus Q1 2020, driven by the strong growth in the Mining and Metals division (+18%) of which +9% in volume and +9% in price (in €)
1, and despite a decline in sales for the High-Performance Alloys division
Very good operating performance of historic mining activities, in a quarter with traditionally unfavourable seasonality:
1.5 Mt in manganese ore produced (+17% vs. Q1 2020) in Gabon
1.1 Mwmt of ore produced in New Caledonia (+14%) and 433 kwmt in exports (+31%), despite societal and weather disruptions
seasonality in H2
This outlook is in line with the momentum of the beginning of this year, without any economic setback related to the pandemic
Christel Bories,
Eramet group Chair and CEO: In 2020, the pandemic brutally disrupted our ecosystem. In particular it resulted in a major economic crisis in the aerospace sector, the main end-market for our Aubert & Duval subsidiary.
Thanks to our demanding roadmap, the mobilisation and agility of our teams, as well as a responsible crisis management, we have recorded remarkable successes in our mining activities and succeeded in seizing opportunities, despite the disruptions. We were also able to control cash consumption, particularly in our High-Performance Alloys division whose responsiveness was exceptional in the second half of the year, and our debt was substantially reduced at end-2020 compared to end-June.
Eramet SA: Eramet: Good resilience of the Group in 2020, thanks to excellent operational performance and strong cash generation in the second half
Eramet: Good resilience of the Group in 2020, thanks to excellent operational performance and strong cash generation in the second half
Responsible crisis
2020 targets achieved for the Mining and Metals division:
5.8 Mt of manganese ore produced (+22% vs 2019), more than 6 Mt of transported ore (+30%) in Gabon
2.5 Mwmt of nickel ore exports in New Caledonia (+55%)
3.4 Mwmt of nickel ore and 23.5 kt-Ni of ferroalloys produced in Indonesia
Costs control in the High-Performance Alloys division in H2
1 in very deteriorated aerospace and automotive markets (A&D costs down -24% vs Q1 2020)