all through the recession, we never gave up health care jobs. mining jobs. may not like mining. but they re good paying jobs. let me give you one more thing to look at, ali. here is private sector job creation. that s 36 months in a row in that. and you re feeling these. these are government jobs. the bottom line is we are building the jobs in the private sector. but the governments are laying off. this is likely school. see if it s not your job, you could be feeling it for the services you re getting in school. so it s an interesting jobs report. important for you to look at. particularly if you re considering getting a new job or changing. despite the job gains, a new study shows workers are doing a lot more work but not making more money. you can see the line for productivity going way up since 2008.
have adequate solutions. megyn: the president said the reason for those stats is the republican controlled congress wouldn t pass my american jobs recovery act and the jobs act. and he blamed it on the republican house. i think all this is fine. the political talk and so forth. but when president obama came in there was no modesty about how long this would take. and he has the largest majoritiesth the senate and house to do what he wanted. some of us think he made the matter worse. if you look at today s wall street journal there is an excellent editorial on the announcement of mining jobs shut down in west virginia. and the miners are blaming it on the epa and the regulations. some believe his policies have made it worse in a whole host of areas and it would get better partly because we stopped doing a lot of bad things.
where the ad was filmed. obama s ruining the coal industry. policies of the current administration s got is attacking my livelihood. they re wanting to close these mines down. i got little ones at home, a wife that s needing me. we have 250 years of coal. why wouldn t we use it? utility bills are up. people wonder how they re going to have a brighter future. if they can t see how they can make it to the end of the next month. regulation is only partly to blame for the layoffs in the coal industry. the main culprit, the free market. natural gas hit its lowest price in a decade, forcing power companies to make the switch. we should also point out ohio s added about 300 mining jobs under president obama. then there s the workers used in this commercial. shortly after the event took place, some of the miners contacted a west virginia local radio station. they said they were forced to attend the event by management.
where the ad was filmed. obama s ruining the coal industry. policies of the current administration s got is attacking my livelihood. they re wanting to close these mines down. i got little ones at home, a wife that s needing me. we have 250 years of coal. why wouldn t we use it? utility bills are up. people wonder how they re going to have a brighter future. if they can t see how they can make it to the end of the next month. regulation is only partly to blame for the layoffs in the coal industry. the main culprit, the free market. natural gas hit its lowest price in a decade, forcing power companies to make the switch. we should also point out ohio s added about 300 mining jobs under president obama. then there s the workers used in this commercial. shortly after the event took place, some of the miners contacted a west virginia local radio station. they said they were forced to
forced to attend the ohio event where the ad was filmed. obama s ruining the coal industry. policies of the current administration s got is attacking my livelihood. they re wanting to close these mines down. i got little ones at home, a wife that s needing me. we have 250 years of coal. why wouldn t we use it? utility bills are up. people wonder how they re going to have a brighter future. if they can t see how they can make it to the end of the next month. regulation is only partly to blame for the layoffs in the coal industry. the main culprit, the free market. natural gas hit its lowest price in a decade, forcing power companies to make the switch. we should also point out ohio s added about 300 mining jobs under president obama. then there s the workers used in this commercial. shortly after the event took place, some of the miners contacted a west virginia local