As May rolls in, Quebec's minimum wage workers will see a modest paycheck increase. The provincial minimum wage is set to rise by $0.50, bringing it to $15.75 per hour. But, according to a new study by the Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-économiques (IRIS), that boost is more of a Band-Aid fix than a cure for the financial woes many face.
Minimum wage in Quebec is increasing by one dollar to $15.25 per hour as of May 1. The change will affect almost 300,000 workers in the province, including those who receive tips. But many say it's not enough.
The minimum wage in Quebec is going up by one dollar. As of May 1, the lowest-paid workers in the province will make at least $15.25 an hour. That means around $2,000 more annual pay for minimum wage workers who are on the clock for 40 hours a week. The move also impacts employees who receive tips, boosting their base pay by 80 cents to $12.20.
"It's difficult to make it with $18 an hour, especially when you have children," according to Quebec Premier François Legault. But he also made clear in a December 8 National Assembly debate that he rejects dramatic increases to the province's $14.25 minimum wage, preferring a different wage-raising strategy one that would inevitably leave behind the lowest earners.