when i saw that i said am i reading that wrong? these guys really are making money off of something that didn t exist. on one level i think is this really value but it s certainly more value than the banks brought in the last ten years. they ve created these devices do you own one? i have an ipad and mac. i don t have a phone but know a bunch of people who do. they have changed the game. my device which is a blackberry does a lot of the same stuff these people brought to the market. this business of touching things and moving things around. i had a mini mac. very disappointed. why i haven t bought another apple product. orange is the macworld. that s how much they sell of those things. people that want video and all that other kind of stuff they re into this apple product, this macintosh product. look at this blue. where did that come from? that s the ipad. that s this bad boy right here. that just started here and now you can see where this is likely to go. at 500 bu