Dogs and cats of all ages, breeds and sizes are available through area animal rescues and shelters, as well as opportunities to help homeless animals through foster programs, donations and help with fundraisers and other family-friendly activities. Contact a rescue near you to learn more.
Clarksville, TN - Every week, Clarksville Online will bring you pets from rescue organizations that need a good home in Clarksville-Montgomery County and
2 Registered Mini Australian Shepherd female puppies, born June 22, 1 blue Merle & 1 red Merle $300 each. 4 registered Mini Australian shepherd puppies, 2 blue Merle females, 1 blue Merle male, $400 each. 1 black Tri male, $300.1 chocolate & white toy Aussie male puppy, 3/4 poodle & 1/4 Aussie, very